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TrailerSpice Blog is the official blog of TrailerSpice. Follow us now for the latest news, movie lists and tv show lists.

TrailerSpice is an online database of information related to movies and television shows – including cast and production crew personal biographies, plot summaries, critical reviews and ratings.

Watch new Movie and TV Show Trailers as you stay updated on upcoming movies and TV Shows. 


The Movies, TV shows, People and News pages of TrailerSpice are accessible to all internet users, but a registration process is necessary to contribute information to the site. Registered users can rate Movies and TV Shows as well as create public or private lists to share.

TrailerSpice allows users to browse through a number of available genres like;  Action, Drama, Thriller, Comedy, Science Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Adventure, Animation and Crime.

TrailerSpice also lets users create and post public or private lists. Afew popluar public lists include; Releasing Soon, New Movies In Theaters, Currently Airing TV Shows, Trending Movies, Trending TV Shows, Top Rated Movies and Top Rated TV Shows.